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Nurgle, Nurgle, quite horrid purple, how does your Garden grow?

Nurgle, Nurgle, quite horrid purple, how does your Garden grow?

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26 Apr 24: Cropping and grafting continues

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The former owner of the axe, now gains the Hands and Scythe of TyphusThe former owner of the axe, now gains the Hands and Scythe of Typhus
28 Apr 24: Head swap, required slight trim of the horn; power fist repositioned and damage repaired; greenstuff fungus28 Apr 24: Head swap, required slight trim of the horn; power fist repositioned and damage repaired; greenstuff fungus
Greenstuff Fungus on the horns on both sidesGreenstuff Fungus on the horns on both sides
I didn't know what to do with this guy... Greenstuff fungus addedI didn't know what to do with this guy... Greenstuff fungus added
Head swap required carving the back off to make it fit; fungal growths from greenstuff; left pauldron face built up from greenstuff, eyes sourced from Chaos Spawn sprueHead swap required carving the back off to make it fit; fungal growths from greenstuff; left pauldron face built up from greenstuff, eyes sourced from Chaos Spawn sprue
Fungus growth on shoulder; replaced the face with a plastic zombie since I didn't like the small face. Fungus growth on shoulder; replaced the face with a plastic zombie since I didn't like the small face.
Small details finishedSmall details finished
Two large fungus; plastic zombie componentsTwo large fungus; plastic zombie components

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