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KoW Elves are coming (finally)

KoW Elves are coming (finally)

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The "Royal" Regiments

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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This next group of units represent the Royal guard regiments for the Elven King (or Queen). The painting job is just as in the previous units, I chose the main armor color to be a Royal Blue, but the overall approach is quick and simple paint job.

What I wanted to try differently was bases with more elaborate features and for this I wanted to make some form of “wall” to the rear of the base to present the castle or Elven ‘court’ walls.

As inspiration, I decided to go with an “Art Nouveau” style and took as a pattern a book of stencils I have has for decades (some of which adorned one of my houses many years ago).

This book was used as an imagination source for the This book was used as an imagination source for the "walls"

As the basis for the walls I used balsa wood once again.  I had no fixed ideas in mind as to the shape of these features, and drew simple shapes on the balsa before cutting it our roughly and sanding down the shape with fine grain sandpaper.

Balsa is easy to sand down and perhaps an alternative wood might be more secure in the long run – history will be the judge.

Shapes were made with a coin as a guide for the curved features but otherwise it was all freehand.

Some doors were marked on and a door frame made out of thick card.  I didn’t;t make any other doorframe or windows, although it would be a simple matter to do this in the future.

A variant of shapes were made for the initial five base stands as in the pictures.

The balsa was panted with a couple of coats of white acrylic paint and then patterns of “flowing lines” were drawn on these “canvases”.  On the first wall I instead painted what would become a rose garden.

As with the other bases, I used DAS (in this case the white variety) to fill in the base and once dry painted the surface with a variety of green acrylic paints (cheap store paint is fine) and once dry added a little green colored sand to give some variety of the surface.

Other unit bases will be made the same way.

This is probably my final post during the Challenge period as I have to attend a residential rehabilitation programme and can’t take all my toys with me!  The final units will be made exactly like the previous posts and I’ll post pictures next month.

In the meantime, a thumbs up to everyone taking part, there are some amazing projects in the Challenge this year and Happy Gaming!

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