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To the Trenches! Chain of Command

To the Trenches! Chain of Command

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To Flock or not to Flock .... hmmmmmm

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Since I have started the project ive been struggling to decide whether or not the fron edge of the trnach pieces need to have scatterings of grass that thin out as you move closer to the trench.

This in my mind is for three reasons

1 — helps the trench seem more “in the ground”

2 — helps to give hte impression that as earth as excavated, it was just thrown onto the existing ground and some of that either wasnt reached or fully covered

3 — makes it look like the trench has been established for a period of time, and nature is starting to take back over


But, there is a fear …. if it looks &*%$ then ill ruin the piece.


So I decided to just put on some of the ground texture i had been using onto a scrap piece of polystyrene to use as a test piece.

I then made my own grass tufts using my static grass applicated and using two colour types.

2mm Dead grass for the first layer, and then adding 4mm Summer over the top to give  some colour variation.

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