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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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86 MTG: The Big Q1 2024 KDM Catch-up Project part 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 6
No Comments

Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 28, Luxury: 10, Modular: 48, Bits Box: 3, Terrain sets: 13, To Ship: ATO Wave 2, TSoH, KDM
Models Finished in Collection: 3004 Models since start of project: 690 out of 63 completed and still not done!

It’s been a while since I updated this post.  I had the bright idea to bulk paint the remaining 28 KDM survivors together, and paint their bases and lanterns all at once, and then varnish together.  In theory it saves time.  In practise it means I don’t finish anything for months and my motivation suffers.  I was also distracted by playing a lot of Aeon Trespass, which I’ve now caught up to date with the releases, at last.  I also then ran in to the issue that I had a whole lot of photos to sort with and tidy up, and no time or motivation to do that, but it’s done now, so expect a whole lot of pics incoming.  I’ve also bought some stuff and had some preorders arrive:

Gained: 19 models
Painted: 34 models

Anyway, on to the pics.  Once again, I have tried to de-pornify models where I could.  I like looking at naked ladies as much as they next guy, but clothing and armour feel preferential when fighting monsters.

Pinup WeaponsmithPinup Weaponsmith
Champion WeaponsmithChampion Weaponsmith
Pinup Alison the Twilight KnightPinup Alison the Twilight Knight
Pinup ArchitectPinup Architect
Honourable BerserkerHonourable Berserker
Pinup Warrior of the SunPinup Warrior of the Sun
Magma MasochistMagma Masochist
The MurdererThe Murderer

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