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Hobby Roundup. Spring Clean 2024.

Hobby Roundup. Spring Clean 2024.

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Perry French line infantry wearing greatcoats.

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 3
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Again I have used contrast paints exclusively for these figures base coats. This is a guide to how I have painted the coats on these miniatures.  The darker brown is Garaghak’s Sewer highlighted with Vallejo Ivory and the contrast paint mixed equally. The lighter brown is Gore Grunta Fur highlighted in the same way but this time use any ochre  colour. The Grey is Space Wolves Grey highlighted with GW Administratum Grey . All of the figures are then glazed with a heavily diluted ( I use matt medium mixed with water) application of the original contrast paint.

The two varieties of brown and grey greatcoated wearing figures.The two varieties of brown and grey greatcoated wearing figures.
This picture shows the rest of the models. You can see a variety of grey colours this is achieved by making the initial application of the grey more pigment heavy or by painting it over a grey rather than a white undercoat. Also you can see that the brown colours I have described are also used on some of the models shakos, and trousers.This picture shows the rest of the models. You can see a variety of grey colours this is achieved by making the initial application of the grey more pigment heavy or by painting it over a grey rather than a white undercoat. Also you can see that the brown colours I have described are also used on some of the models shakos, and trousers.

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