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Spring Clean Challenge Bauhaus Imperial Guard

Spring Clean Challenge Bauhaus Imperial Guard

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Mordian Guard Artillery

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5

The Mordian squads are accompanied by some artillery pieces.  There are two lascannons and a misslie launcher with associated crews.  As they are artillery I thought I’d change the trousers for the same blue as the jackets, just like the Royal Artillery.

Mordian ArtilleryMordian Artillery
Lascannon 1 frontLascannon 1 front
Lascannon 1 rearLascannon 1 rear
Lascannon 2 frontLascannon 2 front
Lascannon 2 rearLascannon 2 rear
Missile Launcher frontMissile Launcher front
Missile Launcher rearMissile Launcher rear

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zoidpinheadzorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

That’s a brilliant paint job you are doing on the figures @zoidpinhead congratulations on your gold button for the army

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