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Sepoys on the Sands of Egypt : An East India Company Unit for Silver Bayonet

Sepoys on the Sands of Egypt : An East India Company Unit for Silver Bayonet

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Some Terrain - part 2: painting

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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The craft store paint mixed into the polyfilla had taken care of the base color of the ‘sand’, so the fist stage proper was to drybrush some vallejo Bone White. I then added a wash of slightly diluted citadel Seraphim Sepia and used army painter Pallid Bone to paint the pieces of broken statue.


I also started to must Bone White on the building, but I quickly realised that this was a fine way to use up a whole bottle of paint very quickly so I switched to craft store acrylics again, mixing up an approximate match from the colours that I had available.

At this point I realised that the rather dull detailing of the doors and windows would be lost in a thick layer of paint, so I snipped a strip of bamboo (a candle splint rather than a coffee stirrer) into lengths and glued them over the ones on the model. I then washed everything in army painter Hardened Leather speedpaint: diluted for the building and undiluted for the doors and shutters. 

A few tufts later and I’m calling them both done and ready for use.

And that’s the project done… for now. 

When I get the book and play a scenario I’ll either reopen this or create a new project for a battle report. I might even get myself some Fogou adobe houses and the Renedra mud brick house for a comparison. 

Right now I’m going to open a Fry’s Turkish Delight, pour myself a glass of Indian whisky and bask in the warm glow of my golden button. Thanks again for that, cheers.

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