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IDF - Sho´t tank company

IDF - Sho´t tank company

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change of course - getting back to the IDF

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
the armour which I´ve done so farthe armour which I´ve done so far

After nearly 3 years I managed to get back to my Team Yankee IDF project. For a long time they were just sitting in my shelf because the whole concept of the infantry company was not working very well for me to a point were I did not enjoyed the game anymore.

However things changed since Battlefront released a PDF list for a Sho´t company in March  this year. With the M60 (or Magach) there already was a List for cheap tanks in the book but I never liked the look of them.

The new list consists of the Israeli Centurion or Sho´t Kal tanks which are similar to the M60 (1 point of armour less in front and side, but laser rangefinder) but they are equiped with ERA. Most importantly however I really like the look of them so I was hooked to finally get back finishing this army.

the Infantrythe Infantry

I started of with a rough list concept and soon realised that I want to field a full Sho´t company of 10 tanks. The support looks similar to my old build with mortars, TOW jeeps (they got better rockets with the PDF), Pereh and Merkava tanks.

New is the addition of jets, the A-4 the Israelis can field are quiet cheap so I decidet to use 4 of them but I dont like the model so I printed myself some Mirage III as a count as.

The Infantry is now part of my tank formation, a small platoon of 9 bases with 3 M113 (they too got some new missile options). Since I play a tank formation now I have access to recce which comes in form of 3 M113, they are a mix of my old transport vehicles and even include a Fitter recovery vehicle just to made them stand out a bit.

change of course - getting back to the IDF

I ordered 2 boxes of Centurions (great kits) and converted them a bit to look more like the israeli ones. I rebuild the turret baskets, added alot of stowage and the ID panels. Every tank will get a set of printed smoke dischargers since they used a different version and more MGs.

6 of the tanks will be the older Sho´t Kal Gimel which use the barrel without thermal sleeve and .30 cal MGs the other 4 will be Sho´t Kal Dalet, they have thermal sleeves on the barrels and will get printed FN MAG MGs for commander and loader.

There is still plenty of work to do on these tanks but i hope that I can get start with priming and preshading next week.


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miniaturebrushworkDamon Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Some nice looking kit. I like the Pereh missile tanks, is that a kit or a print?

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