Col. Anotyisa and his Army
Day 4; Completion
I managed to finally complete my ape army. After a shocking find of another based gibbon loose and rattling around in my “to do” drawer, the team’s completion was drawing near. I gave the new recruit a paint job up to where everyone else was, then prepared myself for the camo.
Given I had no sponge, I used a very old and flared out paint brush to dab on Tamiya NATO Green and NATO brown over the base colour. That, combined a reapplication of leather and other minor details finished off the main painting part.
Having recently picked up some AK dry rock diorama base paint, I decided to play with it a little and applied it to the bases. Unfortunately it was a bit to watered down and didn’t look great, forcing me to cover it up with green static grass. It’s a little strange, but so are apes in NATO camo so I’m giving myself a pass.
I’m going to call this project done, although I might return to paint the rims of the bases black. I’m pleased as punch with how these dudes turned out. I’m particularly happy with the camo (although the brown looks more dirty than camo-y), the black wash on the guns, and the face paint mixing.
Thanks everyone!
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