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Spring Cleaning for the 2024 Spring Clean Challenge

Spring Cleaning for the 2024 Spring Clean Challenge

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Productive Indeed

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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It may not be glamorous but getting my horizontal surfaces back to some form of organization is making me very happy.  I still have a lot to finish and clear before I feel I’m done but I do think I’m on the downhill run with the desk and counter tops.  Now this means I will have to clear the space BEHIND my chair.  The less said about that right now the better.



The tray is packed with finished minis and only finished minis.  FINISHED MINIS!  There will be sealant sprayed tomorrow.The tray is packed with finished minis and only finished minis. FINISHED MINIS! There will be sealant sprayed tomorrow.
Red Skull may be inhabiting the front of the tray with a couple of friends but the tray is ready to do its job again.  It has already welcomed Drax and Ronin.Red Skull may be inhabiting the front of the tray with a couple of friends but the tray is ready to do its job again. It has already welcomed Drax and Ronin.
Enough space cleared in several places to assemble a couple of models.  Drax and Ronin will be joining the Guardians of the Galaxy soon enough.Enough space cleared in several places to assemble a couple of models. Drax and Ronin will be joining the Guardians of the Galaxy soon enough.
While the other two spaces are just about back to where they need to be, there are WAY TOO MANY MINIS waiting for paint.  It will be a while before Drax and Ronin see any primer.While the other two spaces are just about back to where they need to be, there are WAY TOO MANY MINIS waiting for paint. It will be a while before Drax and Ronin see any primer.

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