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Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

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Some more units done, time for a little more kitbashing!

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Using a crossbowman and a man at arms for the base I made up two more heroes for the ranks using leftovers from the Squires and Crimson TowerUsing a crossbowman and a man at arms for the base I made up two more heroes for the ranks using leftovers from the Squires and Crimson Tower
Huzzah, after losing my hobby space to a child I’ve been looking at alternative solutions and found this box of delight from Frontier Wargaming. My hobby space lives again!Huzzah, after losing my hobby space to a child I’ve been looking at alternative solutions and found this box of delight from Frontier Wargaming. My hobby space lives again!
Some cheeky beige to help calm the brightness down…Some cheeky beige to help calm the brightness down…
Based and ready!Based and ready!
I missed the last 2 steps, BM drybrush then a dark tone wash. Based and ready!I missed the last 2 steps, BM drybrush then a dark tone wash. Based and ready!

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2024-05-14 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

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