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Dark shadows of the Middle Kingdom

Dark shadows of the Middle Kingdom

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Nightmare fuel is fun!

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Minis presented with mandatory Gerry blurMinis presented with mandatory Gerry blur

With all the plastic spiders done what else can be thrown into the mix? I’ll be adding a Necromancer on beast for the Undead Legions list. This will come together with a Chinese necromancer from Scotia Grendel but for now I have a resin spider warrior from Mierce’s Jutes line.

I was worried about the 80x50mm base for beasts and got a supplemental left leg from another of their models to keep it balanced. My fear was well founded. I’ll be modifying one of the right legs in order to get the proper pose. Once again these are spindly legs and I’m going to put a clear rod under the body in order to support weight.

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