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Tales of a hobby butterfly

Tales of a hobby butterfly

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Cavelry inbound

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 3
No kreig army is complete with out angry horses but did not want to pay gw price. A quick fuddle through the shame pile and I found some perry's horses, went to work with clippers glue and greenstuff and made these chapsNo kreig army is complete with out angry horses but did not want to pay gw price. A quick fuddle through the shame pile and I found some perry's horses, went to work with clippers glue and greenstuff and made these chaps
Horsey command unit, this chap is a forge world commissar that I have had knocking about for a whileHorsey command unit, this chap is a forge world commissar that I have had knocking about for a while
I then needed a warlord for the 69th, so chopped up a deathkorps watch master and stuck him on a horse to make a lord solar thingamyI then needed a warlord for the 69th, so chopped up a deathkorps watch master and stuck him on a horse to make a lord solar thingamy
No guard army is complete without a marbo so cobbled this dude together with bits from anvil and the scions and death korps spruesNo guard army is complete without a marbo so cobbled this dude together with bits from anvil and the scions and death korps sprues

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