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Dark shadows of the Middle Kingdom

Dark shadows of the Middle Kingdom

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The foil to Cpt. Alphastrike

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Minis presented with mandatory Gerry blurMinis presented with mandatory Gerry blur

I had another thought and decided on spiders. Yes indee-dee-Bob! Having a plethora of eight legged beauties would be pure nightmare fuel for some (*cough cough* Justin) and hopefully just as scary for anyone I play against. Thanks to Gerry and his unboxing of Wargames Atlantic Giant spiders this addition to my army makes a fine … arachnary?


I now hate building spiders. Yes, I took on this task with the Wargames Atlantic giant spiders knowing there would be fiddly bits involved. I’ve worked with Malifaux before and, despite not assembling a copy of Yan Lo and his infamous beard, I built Skeeters that broke on sprue. This looked like it was going to be easier with chunkier parts.

There has been a few videos and instructions on how to achieve the feat but I am not one to follow all the directions. What parts I did take note of I worked with and made sure to implement. I give a nod to Gerry with his mention during an unboxing that these were open to assembly. It also helped to find the WA exploded build and a sprue guide.

These were good until I got to building and found the legs are apt to bust off as I used plastic cement/glue. I reglued and pinned where I could with a decision, for future me, to support my leggy lovelies with some ¾” flight stand pegs to take the stress of play. The added strain of metal riders also was a factor.

The riders look like there was some heavy drinking of plum wine (how else do you mount a giant spider). They will be modified in future to resculpt their legs in order to properly look like they are sitting on their mounts.

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