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KoW Elves are coming (finally)

KoW Elves are coming (finally)

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Finishing the scenic bases

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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I made up a bunch of tree/shrubs and in order to secure them to the bases I used the following approach.

I drilled a small hole in the base with a variable speed drill using a drill bit as close to the skewer diameter as possible (slightly bigger).  I then applied a dollop of PvA and pushed the tree all the way through until it reached a suitable height.

Additional PvA around the base of the “trunk” was applied and a small amount of ground cover added to the tree base.

Once the glue was completely dry, the skewer on the underside of the base was cut off close to the base and a small amount of fine sand was poured onto the skewer and liquid super glue was dropped onto the sand.  This hardens to a solid finish which is very strong, and I hope will ensure the trees stay put during play.

Some pictures follow.

The first four Regiments are done, although I may still add some static grass to them as a last embellishment.

Next up is to compete the two Gladestalker troop bases (I’ll post some pictures of the models next time) which I intend to have more foliage on them than the ordinary regiment units.  So, maybe I’ll think about different “clutter” as well as 2/3 of the bushes/trees.

Happy Gaming!

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