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Salute 2024 dungeon/arena

Salute 2024 dungeon/arena

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The big day arrives continued

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 5
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The dungeon is setup and reedy for the doors to open and let in the public.The dungeon is setup and reedy for the doors to open and let in the public.
By the end of  the day the club won By the end of the day the club won "Best Sci-fi, Fantasy, Alternative history Table in show". This was mainly down to Ben Hart and his amazing Epic table so he got to keep the trophy.
Yes we realy did win an aword on our first time running a table at a show. The problem is how do we follow this up next year. early suggestions are for the catacombs under red wall Abbey.Yes we realy did win an aword on our first time running a table at a show. The problem is how do we follow this up next year. early suggestions are for the catacombs under red wall Abbey.

We received lots of requests for the rules that  Ben had drawn up for Adeptus Titanicus and the STL files for the Dungeon terrain. We are working on refining these with lessons learnt at Salute and will be putting them out there as soon as possible for free. When we know how this will be done I will announce it hear as well as on the “Ashford Gaming Club” Facebook page so watch this space.

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