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Anyone seen my Pachyderm

Anyone seen my Pachyderm

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Italian Allies (Legion)

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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I started the Italian Allied Legion from Victrix for the next Quincunx. While I was finishing these figures off I also excepted the obvious and I had more infantry than I would ever need for a skirmish force for my Romans and would retire the “sabot” bases and multi base the figures so out came the square bases (well rectangles actually).

The intention was to keep the same unit frontage but increase the number of figures on the bases however when I started to base up the figures the plan didn’t work. The way the figures and shields are posed I couldn’t increase the number of figures on the base! Oh well it least gave me a couple of more units.

Formation for use under Hail Caesar Formation for use under Hail Caesar
Formation when using them for Formation when using them for "To the Strongest"

Above shows how the units can be used for the two “rank and file” rules we use.

As well as the heavy infantry I also completed their supporting Velites.

Velites Velites

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