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Grand Army of Altdof

Grand Army of Altdof

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Life, painting cavalry, detachments, artillery, and building penance.

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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So, as of the time of writing this, I had a slight accident at work, where I slipped, tried putting my hand out to stop myself and ended up ramming said hand into my chest, causing me to bruise my muscle. I have been living on ibuprofen and little sleep. Not a great combo for wanting to paint, especially when my main painting container is a shoebox underneath my desk. So it looks like the project will be on the back burner for a while.

And I was doing very well too.

I had bought a painting clamp stand (the little box with the holes in it in which you insert alligator clips on sticks into, for those who don’t know) and that has been incredibly helpful in painting up my Pistoliers and General, makes it so much easier to paint them and their horses separately.

I’d also started painting up the detachments for my Veteran Halberdiers too.

Crossbows on left, Swordsmen on right, artillerymen in middle.Crossbows on left, Swordsmen on right, artillerymen in middle.

Since the Empire system is all about regimentation, I decided to go with keeping the colour scheme similar but distinct as it was. Though I am doing a few change ups.

The crossbowmen will be blue with red highlights in their uniforms, along with their hats being red.

The swordsmen will be red with blue highlights in their uniform, along with their hats being blue.

Both units will have their plumes be yellow to keep them connected to their parent unit, which is something I’m going to carry on with the other units I end up doing.

For the artillery, I’m not doing anything majorly intricate with them. Since they look to be largely wearing loose under garments, I’m doing that as white/off-white with the general Altdorf colours being present in their colour scheme.

Which leads me to…

Cannons and artillery are always good things for mini-dioramas, I think. The ability to tell a minute story in their own way.

And this one was… the crew have a powder monkey with them! Seriously, I love that little guy so much. So small but he adds so much character and fantasy to the kit so easily.

Whole thing was basecoated with Mournfang Brown, while the gun and the metal bits of the cannon painted Leadbelcher, and I used alternating Mephiston Red and Caledor Blue on the wheels as their specific colours. Other guns will get other colour schemes.

And finally…

The unit that, for me, encapsulates the best dark fantasy element of the Empire; the Flagellants.

Now, I had two guys built up already for when I tried to do something with a Death Guard army that didn’t end up panning out, so I rebased them on their square bases then got another box of Flagellants to make them feel more at home with.

You’ll see the guy with conical hood or capirote as it’s called in the Catholic Church. That was a left over from an order of Cultist Heads from Tabletop which I got ages before Brexit made that an impossibility now. It’s a bit thin compared to the actual Flagellant heads, but once it’s painted, it shouldn’t make that much of a difference. Plus, it makes sense for a flagellant to have something an actual flagellant would wear. So there’s that.

I hope I recover soon. I want to paint everything up so badly, it’s an ache.

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