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Col. Anotyisa and his Army

Col. Anotyisa and his Army

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Days 2 & 3

Tutoring 0
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Day 2, Initial DetailsDay 2, Initial Details

Day 2 of Col. Anotysia and his army was mostly down to details. Game Colour leather, very watered down black for the weapons, Wyldwood wash for the wood, and an initial pink for the dynamite. I started to see the character and details of the faces come through, which I’m pretty happy about. Eureka did a pretty great job on this range.

Day 3, More DetailsDay 3, More Details

Day 3 continued the details, where I really saw these little simians come to life. Red eyes, yellow demarcations of rank, Tamiya wood, and a mixture of Game Colour bone and GW wadzag yellow for the teeth.

But what I really tried to work on were the faces. The initial wash was ok but I knew I could do better. I gave the fur an additional wash, but then I tried to mix some of the contrast with Game Colour dwarf flesh to make lighter and lighter areas. Trying to highlight the brows, lips, and cheek bones. I am thinking I’ve done an ok job, after all, who can say no to this face?


Up next, trying to find a sponge to use for jungle camo, more clean up for Col. Anotysia’s fur, and basing.


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