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Ewok's Spring Clean Challenges 2024

Ewok's Spring Clean Challenges 2024

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Silver Bayonet

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 4
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Silver Bayonet

The work bench is a bit of a horror show tonight. Featuring figures for Silver Bayonet, When Nightmares Come and Verrotwood the Old West.

These are comprised of figures for Pike & Shotte, Silver Bayonet, Black Sun, Muskets & Tomahawks and Dracula’s America.

Below are some more outstanding Silver Bayonet figures.

These are from Trent and Perry miniatures.

Just realised I need to base all my original Silver Bayonet minis too. This project keeps growing.

Silver Bayonet

The Future

Looking at the amount of work I have to do for this I am going to give Silver Bayonet and my other horror games a separate project.

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