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Spring Cleaning for the 2024 Spring Clean Challenge

Spring Cleaning for the 2024 Spring Clean Challenge

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Made Some Progress

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 1
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I was feeling rather under the weather Friday so got nothing done but made up for it yesterday.  Being my Spring Break, I had had a productive week already.  I was able to finish and photograph Green Goblin, Bob- Agent of Hydra, and Star-Lord from Marvel Crisis Protocol.  I have a Tortoise Sage which I believe was a Reaper mini but could be wrong.  He will be joining the Burrows and Badgers collection despite being a little small.  Finally, I finished two more of the Sisters of Battle minis I picked up from Satyr Studios.  I love Drew’s old school sculpts but find units hard to paint anymore which is why they get done in small groups. Only seven more until I have this unit done.  I plan on using them in Space Weirdos.

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