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Ship-shape! Spring Cleaning Kharadron Overlords

Ship-shape! Spring Cleaning Kharadron Overlords

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Previously painted units

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 3
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Back in 2019 when contrast paints were released, I tried them to quickly get colours down on the Kharadron troops. The idea was to explore the paints and see what I could do with them. These are the results.

Arkanaut CompanyArkanaut Company

I’ve got 20 Arkanaut company troops and for some reason 15(!) Thunderers all painted up to this level. I think they were done with Skeleton Horde armour, Snakebite Leather boots and the orange was a 50:50 Blood Angels Red and Gryphound Orange mix.

These will now be detailed, highlighted and fully finished.

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