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Eye of Terror Maggotkin of Nurgle for AoS Escalation League

Eye of Terror Maggotkin of Nurgle for AoS Escalation League

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Washing Putrid Blightkings makes them look much better!

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Washing Putrid Blightkings makes them look much better!

I was able to get a Badab Black wash over all of the metal (armour, weapons and bells) on the Putrid Blightkings and my Lord of Plagues. I’m not sure how much difference you can see in the photo but they look so much better in real life.

I’ll have to consider whether I want to use a more opaque black wash / thinned paint / contrast paint to make the armour even darker, as well as what else I might want to do to grime it up with rust, etc. The Les Edward artwork has the armour with a kind of greenish tint, which I might try – that should be possible without losing the metal armour look.

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