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Spring Cleaning for the 2024 Spring Clean Challenge

Spring Cleaning for the 2024 Spring Clean Challenge

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On the Table

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Got a few things near finished.  I am actually behind in posting these as I’ve been a bit under the weather.


Got some MCP characters closing in on finished as well a few more started.  I assembled Rhino as well as Red Skull & Hydra Troopers.  I only glued down one of the grunts as it is easier to paint them separately.  I took a picture of where they will fit as their base has no set footprints like the Howling Commandoes.


Drew Williams, of Satyr Studios is one of my favorite sculptors and I just love his Old School sculpts.  Of course they are all over my workspace so will be popping up here regularly.


Reaper Bones are great for practice and Speed Painting.  I’ve packed most of them away for now but this little fellow was started so I will finish him.


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