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Eye of Terror Maggotkin of Nurgle for AoS Escalation League

Eye of Terror Maggotkin of Nurgle for AoS Escalation League

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Les Edwards' Realm of Chaos artwork - palette inspiration

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Les Edwards' Realm of Chaos artwork - palette inspiration

The modern plastic models won’t achieve the full ‘Oldhammer’ look, but that’s okay. I like them nonetheless, and I can still draw inspiration from this classic piece of art. The main points to highlight are the bolt gun, the armour and the red hood.

The piece was painted at a time GW were hinting or implying that the Warhammer World might have been a part of the 40K Universe, without explicitly confirming that it was. There was also quite a bit of crossover with the miniature ranges. So the Realm of Chaos, being the strange place that it was, would sometimes see ‘fantasy’ units or characters armed with ‘futuristic’ weapons rolled up on one of the many legendary random tables.

I don’t want my army to look like a 40K army. But I want the occasional piece which might give the impression that there might be something else going on… That the Mortal Realms might be located in 40K’s Eye of Terror. That Sigmar may be one of the missing Primarchs, even if he doesn’t realise it. And that some of the Chaos Warriors may be Space Marines who’ve been so badly lost in the Warp that they don’t realise what they are or were.

Although I like – and want some of – the green look that we usually associate with Nurgle armies, I also want this brutal metalic look of this art piece.
And I also really like the red, not a colour normally associated with Nurgle, but which looks fantastic here.

Let’s see how it goes…

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