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Wee Free Men

Wee Free Men

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Time to Hit the Books

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Somehow this four day week has felt seven days long. I have other hobby that I should be doing (promised to friends) but I came home to a couple of packages with things for this project and honestly, a weekend of diving back into the Disc sounds wonderful.

After a wonderfully unhealthy dinner, I went over to the bookcases and grabbed some inspirational reading.

Time to Hit the Books

While the army is just feegles in general, it has a lot of references to Wee Free Men in particular. This copy has been marked up with notes for the army for a long time now but going back through them has been helpful for refreshing my memory.

If you are a Pratchett fan and don’t have the HisWorld book, it is an excellent hardback that was created to go alongside a gallery exhibition. Checking the Discworld website, they have it in their clearance section down to £7.50 which is a fucking steal.

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