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Johns Relics Resurrection

Johns Relics Resurrection

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Behold, the sea of Grey!

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 8
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Keeping it out of reach of children... Keeping it out of reach of children...

Since the last update, I recieved the event exclusive RSM model who looks fantastic. But beginning the painting journey is what I’m going to cover in this one!


They grey's assemble!They grey's assemble!

What I am loving so far is how close the new resin cast is to the original metals. Can you tell which flag carrier is which?

Painting the “skin”

1: Dusty Skull basecoat. I didn’t want to make the cloth of their bodies too dark or too bright initially so this was a good basecoat to keep some brightness about them.

2:  Skeleton Bone. I added this over the larger, open, areas on the chest and face, leaving the Dusty Skull in the recesses to give a bit of tone.

3: Sepia Tone. Warming up the cloth and accentuating the recesses and details.

4: Brainmatter Beige: I used this as a little highlight step on the stitches and any edges that would benefit form being more visible.


Because I am using a character model to test my scheme, this allows me to go a bit further than I would prefer to on the regular troops. So when it comes to batch painting the troopers, dragoons and the like, I may skip steps like the Skeleton Bone but retain the final highlight to keep them looking similar enough without needing too many passes. This approach will help keep the painting time down, retain a level of uniformity and stop me from loosing what little sanity I have left (which to be fair, is measured in Quarks at this point!)

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