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A Knight's Tale for Spring

A Knight's Tale for Spring

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Project Entry by chesh Cult of Games Member

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In the beginning ...

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I can’t believe that we are at this point again.  Last year, I ‘failed’ in the Spring Clean Challenge.  Well maybe not failed, but a step closer to completion of a project, even if not very far.  I thought about trying to pick that up again (I may do at some point!), but wanted to see if I could pick out something and not just make it a challenge for the website, but also a challenge for myself to see, if I can eventually get a project complete from start to finish (if that is actually technically possible!), with the latter being the harder part in itself.

As I am currently trying to write an essay for Uni, on whether medieval society, was a society ready created for warfare, and concentrating on Anglo-Norman England, it was a simple decision to make that the project should be medieval.  Looking through the ‘pile of opportunity’ I tried to pick out something where I had a slight head start with something where I had some items already purchased.  Options therefore could of included Saga (part plastic Anglo-Saxons built), Baron’s War (plenty of kickstarter models that I really need to do something with), Crusades (have plastic boxes for both sides), Hundred Years War, and War of Roses (have Perry plastics for both conflicts).  g

The Fireforge and Gripping Beast boxes for the Crusades are currently on Ebay, so I ruled that out.  For the others possibles, the majority are plastic, except for the Baron’s War models I have from Footsore.  So I decided on this being the project to pick up.  Small model account, variation in painting, and no putting together of plastic.

Two essays due before the 9th May, means that early progress may be slow, and may just stay at the planning stage for a little, but hoping I can spend for ummmph after that (as long as the Dissertation due in September, allows for it!), but the main thing really is try and motivate myself to see a project through to completion.

Anyway back to the 80s classic (I remember vaguely watching when it came out) Robin of Sherwood!

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