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Eye of Terror Maggotkin of Nurgle for AoS Escalation League

Eye of Terror Maggotkin of Nurgle for AoS Escalation League

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Plaguebearers & Herald - Showing myself I can make progress

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I’d finally undercoated most of the models I needed, something I usually consider to be a big barrier, but now needed to get on with it. My first game is in a week’s time and I can’t see how I’m going to get it all done in time. So I at least need to get something done that looks like progress.

So I picked the Plaguebearers and the Herald. They’re simple models that should take Contrast paint well, and even only partly done will look MUCH better than grey. The Herald will also be my general for at least the first few games I play, so it would be nice if he’s got some paint on him.

And wow… I know Contrast paints aren’t new (and I’ve used them before), but even a single coat of the appropriately-named Plaguebearer Flesh to do the skin/flesh looks pretty good. SO much better than just an undercoat. And it didn’t take long to do the full squad and the Herald.

I used Skeleton Horde for the horns. Some of which were partially or fully painted with Plaguebearer Flesh first, as an experiment to see what it would look like to have some with a greenish transition and/or tint. I wouldn’t say it makes them much better, but doesn’t hurt either. So certainly no need to worry about splashing the green paint around in future!

I do think the horns – especially the larger ones – will need some regular bone-coloured paint on the ends to make them pop.

While I had the Skeleton Horde out I also washed the maggot pile on the Herald’s base, the areas of flesh poking through the Plaguebearers’ skin and went over some of the more knobbly areas of skin, to provide a bit of variation and further contrast. I like the effect.

Next step will either be a metal for the blades (which will need washing to look good but will mean the models are 98% covered in colour) or a green paint to highlight some of the disgustingness of the skin/flesh.

However, as I’m pressed for time, I may move on and make a start on the next unit in the hope of being able to present an army that has at least some paint on almost everything.

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