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The Great Grey Massacre.

The Great Grey Massacre.

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Lets go Shopping.

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So I wanted to try out and see what TT Combats MDF kits are like so I picked up one of their Venetian buildings and one of their Feudal Japanese shops. Lacking a bit of confidence in just knocking together Japanese buildings I tried out their Machiya shop front. They are not bad kits but to be honest by the time I had added in the missing details I could definitley have built one from scratch out of card in the same time frame.

As with other MDF kits I detailed the interior and in this case the exterior with strips of course card. I also took the rounded corners off of the window frames and trimmed down the front panel.

For the roof I used plasticard and a corrugator to make proper roof tiles. I painted all the wood in black craft paint, washed in Nuln Oil (CS) and drybrushed with a dark grey from Coat’darms. The roof was a base of Eshin Grey (CC) with two dybrushes of lighter grey shades and a heavy wash of Nuln Oil all over.

The banners were painted in with red and black craft paint. The Interior and Exterior scrolls and posters were printed on thick paper from some images I googled.

Overall I am Pleased with it and would now have the confidence to make my own Feudal Japanese Buildings. All those individual planks take a long time to make though. So any I do make will have more wattle and daub panels than planking.


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