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I can't stop thinking about ancient Rome - De Bellis Antiquitatis edition

I can't stop thinking about ancient Rome - De Bellis Antiquitatis edition

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Painting finished on to washing and then basing

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 3
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Time for another post, today I finish up some details and fight with the browns again. Let’s see the results shall we?

Painting finished on to washing and then basing

I start with Plate Mail Metal to touch up a few areas and catch some chainmail areas that were missed. You can see in the picture below a large area of primer where there was some miscasting that obscures the armor detail. I don’t have texture to work with so I’m just going to paint the spot metal and move on. The helmetless archer got Necromancer Cloak for the hair as there wasn’t a color for blonde that I was happy with.

Dragon Red is used next to touch up the tunics. I missed the bottom sticking out under the armor so all of the models got some fine detail edging. This was some intense work but I’m very pleased with the result and again it really makes these pop.

Painting finished on to washing and then basing

Now a dab of Weapon Bronze on the buttons and rigging of the horse leather harnesses. Again small touches like this really makes things pop. That is painting all the details done as well as any touch ups that I see I need. That means I can move onto washing.

Painting finished on to washing and then basing

I start with Strong Tone on the cavalry. This is my first time using a product like this and I am worried perhaps I’m going too dark. The chainmail dulled a bit, I’m going to let this set and then determine if I continue with it or move to the Soft Tone.

Painting finished on to washing and then basing
Painting finished on to washing and then basing

Hard to think this has been a week of painting but a little bit each day has given me quite the results. After deciding on the tone to use I’ll get to base these up and build up the ground texture with some Vallejo Brown Earth Texture. I’ve used their plain grey pumice in the past and I love the texture and working with it but it was a nightmare to paint. This stuff is pre-mixed with color so that complaint is solved. By the time I get these finished hopefully the Gauls and the last of the Romans come in and it is warm enough to prime them.

Till next post happy hobby time everyone!

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