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Revisiting Warmaster - Spring Clean 2024

Revisiting Warmaster - Spring Clean 2024

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Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 9
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I struggle I little with basing models. I’m fully aware that the base can make a huge difference on the end result for any model, but once I’ve painted a figure, I find it a bit of a chore. Therefore I tend to be a bit lazy and look for fast and simple ways to base my figures. Applying a texture paste and giving the base a quick drybrush before adding a few tufts is about as complex as I like to go.

Big issue with that approach for Warmaster minis is any careless drybrushing will really be noticeable, and there’s no realistic way to get between the two strips on each base. I therefore thought about using a wash over a texture paste instead, and made a couple of test bases to try out different combinations of base colour and wash.

My test bases. The two texture pastes were Vallejo Dark Earth and AK Desert Sand. A band of four washes was applied to both - Vallejo Grey, Flesh, Umber  and Sepia washes.My test bases. The two texture pastes were Vallejo Dark Earth and AK Desert Sand. A band of four washes was applied to both - Vallejo Grey, Flesh, Umber and Sepia washes.
I then put a strip in front of each section to decide what felt/looked best. I decided on the Vallejo Dark Earth with the Grey wash, as it felt like an appropriate cold/wasteland cover, and gave some nice contrast to the colour schemeI then put a strip in front of each section to decide what felt/looked best. I decided on the Vallejo Dark Earth with the Grey wash, as it felt like an appropriate cold/wasteland cover, and gave some nice contrast to the colour scheme

The front strip was glued onto each base, and then texture paste added around using an old brush. A fair heap was piled behind, the idea being to slide the second strip into place and just smooth the paste down, and then add more a finish at the back.

Once the paste was dry, the wash was added, followed by tufts from Tajima1.

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