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Revisiting Warmaster - Spring Clean 2024

Revisiting Warmaster - Spring Clean 2024

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Painting a Test Unit

Tutoring 10
Skill 12
Idea 9
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Having an idea of a colour scheme is one thing, but it needs to be tested on a few figures to see if it really works. I grabbed one of the Marauder units to trial my paint scheme. I didn’t want to go too overboard with these 10mm models. A basecoat, maybe a wash and then a single highlight was the aim.

First, the strips were primed black (using Colour Forge matt black spray), and then lightly drybrushed with a white paint to help pick out the details.

Primed and drybrushed. Love these characterful figuresPrimed and drybrushed. Love these characterful figures

Next, basecoats. Paint brands are going to be shortened as follows: CT – Citadel; VMC – Vallejo Model Colour; VGC – Vallejo Games Colour.

  • Skin – CT Ratskin Flesh or VMC Burnt Umber
  • Blue fabric/armour – CT Altdorf Guard Blue
  • Yellow fabric/armour – VGC Bronze Fleshtone
  • Grey furs/fabric – VMC London Grey
  • Leather – VMC Flat Earth
  • Wood – VGC Beasty Brown
  • Brass – CT Retributor Armour
  • Steel – VMC Oily Steel
  • Red hair – VMC Cavalry Brown
  • Black hair – VMC Dark Sea Blue
  • Brown furs – VMC German Camo Black Brown
  • Bone – VMC Buff

A few things (like boots) were just left the primed black colour. The blue and yellow colours were spread around across the strips, using different skin tones and hair colour to add a bit of variation.

Basecoats done. Fairly poor lighting on this photo, but you get the general ideaBasecoats done. Fairly poor lighting on this photo, but you get the general idea

Next a wash all over the strip using CT Reiksland Fleshshade. This helped to reinforce the darkness of the recesses, and add some grimy depth to the metallics and shade the colours a little.

The difference between this and the previous image is not very clear thanks to the poor lighting.The difference between this and the previous image is not very clear thanks to the poor lighting.

Finally, a single highlight was added:

  • Skin – CT Kislev Flesh or Kislev Flesh mixed 1:1 with VMC Burnt Umber
  • Blue fabric/armour – VMC Pastel Blue
  • Yellow fabric/armour – VGC Sun Yellow
  • Grey furs/fabric – VMC Medium Sea Grey
  • Leather – VGC Leather Brown
  • Wood – VMC Light Brown
  • Red hair – VMC Orange Brown
  • Brown furs – VMC Brown Sand
  • Bone – VGC Dead White

Metallic areas and black hair were left as is, with no highlight applied. For the furs, the highlight colour was stippled over the surface.

A completed strip of Marauders. Now onto basing.A completed strip of Marauders. Now onto basing.

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