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Ship-shape! Spring Cleaning Kharadron Overlords

Ship-shape! Spring Cleaning Kharadron Overlords

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Because I always like adding miniatures that take my fancy (even if not part of the core range) I couldn’t resist adding this Golem Hammer of Tir-Nа-Bor from Rackham Confrontation to the initial force. The big ball shaped body and over-all aesthetic I felt would go really well with the industrial fantasy of the Kharadron. This miniature came from Cadwallon and is still available as a resin miniature.

I absolutely love how this turned out, to the extent I got a second one too. I just have to hope that after 7 years I can match the colour scheme and overall paint job.


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Cult of Games Member

It fits in perfectly with the force. Also nicely painted.

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