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Eye of Terror Maggotkin of Nurgle for AoS Escalation League

Eye of Terror Maggotkin of Nurgle for AoS Escalation League

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First Game: 750 point army list & army construction

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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My first game – which I’ll be playing in a couple of weeks’ time – requires me to have a 750 point list. I want to include a variety of units that I think capture the look and feel of the army. I want to use models I’ve already got (mostly).

Complicating matters is the fact that Maggotkin can summon additional daemonic reinforcements during the game, so I’d need some ‘spare’ models.* I decided to prioritise options that I’m likely to want to include in the base 1000 point army list when we expand in the next round.

My army list includes:

1 x Poxbringer (Herald) – and the General of my Army
10 x Plaguebearers
3 x Nurglings (bases)
1 x Lord of Plagues
5 x Putrid Blightkings

1 x Aethervoid Pendulum (Endless Spell)

My sub-faction is the Befouling Host, that requires me to have a daemon general and which gives me an additional Feculent Gnarlmaw (daemon tree!) faction terrain piece, which in turns makes it marginally easier to summon things.

It seems its not one of the stronger sub-factions, but I like the idea of smothering the tabletop – both with diseased trees and additional summoned units!

I generally like bases that are relatively simple so I didn’t want to add too much too them, but I decided to experiment with Daler-Rowney Texture Paste, using it to build up the bases just a little.

It didn’t work out quite as I’d anticipated, not least because the paste doesn’t have much texture! Once undercoated it appears more as smooth blobs than uneven raised areas of dirt. Perhaps I’ll paint them as slime (although I’m not very keen on the idea), or I may use a proper texture paint over them.

*This is why you’ll see a Beast of Nurgle and Sloppity Bilepiper ready to be undercoated in the picture.

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