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Eye of Terror Maggotkin of Nurgle for AoS Escalation League

Eye of Terror Maggotkin of Nurgle for AoS Escalation League

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My starting point and goals for the project

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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I’ve had most of this stuff knocking around for many years. I did made a single unit of Blightlords a year or two ago but then lost momentum. I figured that my Friendly Local Game Store’s new escalation league was the kick up the bum I needed.

Although it’s for Age of Sigmar and uses all the modern plastics, I am inspired by a lot of Oldhammer artwork, including that which hints that Warhammer Fantasy might be set inside 40K’s Eye of Terror. As such, I want my army to have little hints to being part of a wider, futuristic / Science-Fantasy universe.

I want to get quite a lot of stuff built and painted relatively quickly, so I’m not going to spend ages on every model, but I do like to try to theme units with a bit of kit-bashing and minor conversions and paint schemes.

I believe the league will switch to using the new AoS 4.0 rules when they’re released this summer, but as I’m not trying to become a great player, I doubt it’ll matter much to my army construction. I do hope that the new rules retain the ‘vibe’ of the current Army Book though.

Although the league will run for a year – so well beyond the length of the Spring Clean Challenge – my hope is to get in the habit of building and painting my way through my pile of shame!

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