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Legion's Bobperialis

Legion's Bobperialis

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The Box of lost Delights!

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Right at the start of this project, I was having a re-org of my flat and found a box under the bed which I had no memory of. To my suprise it was full of unpainted 10mm resin terrain, which I think was from Timecast. Now the odd thi g is I have no memory of buying it, though I think it eas at least 12 years ago when I was doing g my last WW2 1/200th late War Project.

Now they are not Gothic Warhammer buildings but as the Heresy is 30k and many of the world’s would be what was there when the Empire arrived and would be either old buildings from the age of stife that had survived ( much of my Battletech terrain) and nwer builds which would have been put up with what materials were avail and with older techniques of construction, so may look similar to those of the middle east, and both Western and Eastern Europe.

The 1st 4 were total ruins, which I’ve done I a pale mud brick as in the middle east.

So far all the buildings have had a FW rattle can Wraithbone spray.

Then we these, an all over coat of GW skeleton Horde Contrast, then drybrushed GW Wraithbone and later Corvex White.Odd bits of timber were done with GW Wy wood contrast

The Box of lost Delights!

The next 4 buildings were slightly less distressed and although the intial base coat and wash was the same, the brickwork was gone over with a GW  Skeleton Horde and Gryph Hound orange  for the British work varying the mix for the one roof. The other roof was done with GW Basilicum Grey.

After the wraitbone and white dry brush , I thought there want contrast between the rubble and the buildins so the rubble got a Nuln Oil Wash.

The Box of lost Delights!

That is just a taster of the goodies in the box, next will be some Town buildings a farm, and a Bridge!

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