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Johns Relics Resurrection

Johns Relics Resurrection

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In the Beginning, there was only Metal.

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 12

Back in the day, better days, some would say, there was Tor Gaming. And Gavin was a happy little chappy in a garden shed with an idea. He made his idea and saw that it was good. A range of funky models, cool rules and some wonderful painters to help show off his work in the best possible light.

Around the same time, a John was at University, just beginning his degree and volunteering with Worthy Painting (remember them?!)

Long story short, Relics was something different and the Britanan got my attention. I bought myself the starter force and got to building. I loved the quirky style and the idea of an army of puppets.

HOWEVER I never settled on a scheme and over time, life and other things got in the way. So, into a bag they went and were left to languish in the dark until 2024 when TT combat (who bought the IP way back) decided to bring the little guys back in resin!

Here are my original Tor Gaming metals. Minus one Trooper who is currently residing in Preston in someones back yard! Here are my original Tor Gaming metals. Minus one Trooper who is currently residing in Preston in someones back yard!

With the resin models out, and Spring Clean Challenge on the horizon, I thought there was no better time to bring the little guys out and give them the love they so deserve!

And here is where my army stands with the TTCombat resin miniatures added. And here is where my army stands with the TTCombat resin miniatures added.

SO! This is where I am at, ready to prime and begin painting these little guys, with renewed vigour and eager to see how they look! There’s a lot of cool things in here with different colour schemes, like the Highlanders, Rangers, marksman and so on. I’ll break it down more as I progress! Hopefully!



In the Beginning, there was only Metal.

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Cult of Games Member

Looking forward to see what you do with this game. I remember when these first came out just loving the models, glad to see they’re making a come back. Only sad thing is them not being metal.

Cult of Games Member

“Yarnballs!”.. lol. Every military unit has a nickname. As Unofficial Namer of Stuff, I dub your force as such.

I look forward to your future post when we meet Lucky “Patches” O’Houlihan, known for his wrench dodging skills.

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