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Salute 2024 dungeon/arena

Salute 2024 dungeon/arena

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Scatter terrain!!

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
After a trawl through my STL files I found this barrel, 9 fitted on my printer build plate so that's what I printed then painted them red.After a trawl through my STL files I found this barrel, 9 fitted on my printer build plate so that's what I printed then painted them red.
I was so impressed with the stencil I got free at a past Salute I went back to the web site for I was so impressed with the stencil I got free at a past Salute I went back to the web site for "Steel Harpy Gaming" and found these bio hazard stencils.
I quickly found the best way to use them was not to have much paint on the brush as you run the risk of paint getting under the stencil.I quickly found the best way to use them was not to have much paint on the brush as you run the risk of paint getting under the stencil.
The scatter terrain is now done. I made them red so I could add rules for exploding terrain if I want.The scatter terrain is now done. I made them red so I could add rules for exploding terrain if I want.

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Michael.Houlihanzorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Stunning work on the terrain @cowboygamer job amazingly well done

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