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Battletech terrainfest2023 turns into spring clean challenge 2024

Battletech terrainfest2023 turns into spring clean challenge 2024

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family crisis halts terrain fest 2023. please read this its important!

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Long story short my father was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Prostate cancer, which meant being whizzed through the testing phase and on to treatment. His specialist recommended i too went through the testing period so blood test and physical examinations where undertaken and luckily for now im clear although i have to undertake this yearly from now going forward.

If nothing else folks if your getting on in years or have any problems with your water works, going more freequently, etc. etc. Go to your doctor and request a test likewise if a direct family member gets it do the same. Its a finger up the bottom to feel the prostate and a simple drawing of blood nothing scary or invasive but it could save your life.

My dad if he responds to treatment and a secondary infection from a weakend immune system as a result of said treatment doesnt get him, has been told hes only got a 30% chance of living another ten years. so moral of the story get tested at the first sign of trouble.

The old boys an ex marine quite stoic and tackling it head on a fighter to the last. The family are rallying round my travelling for visiting has increased hence the suspension of hobby. Even so hes told me to treat him normal and get on with life so hobby resumes and video chats increased. So this project come hell or high water will be finshed and discussed on one of our scheduled chats. work has already comenced…

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