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I can't stop thinking about ancient Rome - De Bellis Antiquitatis edition

I can't stop thinking about ancient Rome - De Bellis Antiquitatis edition

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Getting some base colors down and starting detail work

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 3
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The goal for the weekend was to get the horses and chainmail painted. Managed to knock it all out today so tomorrow will be more detail work. Let’s look closer at the process.

Getting some base colors down and starting detail work

I’m going to start with the horses and use some Fur Brown on these. While I mixed my old paints pretty well with the mini vortex the Fur Brown was badly separated from a few years of storage. Some vigorous shaking of the paint dislodged the pigment. It still took about four coats to get even coverage but I blame the age of the paint rather than the paint itself. Once done I was pretty happy with the results though.

Getting some base colors down and starting detail work

Time to move onto drybrushing the chainmail. I use Plate Mail Metal this time. This step was harder than I anticipated and I did catch some of the flesh areas so it will need touchups. Drybrushing chainmail at 15mm is much harder than I expected so next time I’m going to start with this step since it is the sloppiest and then work my way outward from there. However after some painstaking work I was pleased with the coverage. I have to remind myself I’m going for looking good enough on the table and I still have the shading tone to use at the end.

Getting some base colors down and starting detail work

Lastly since I had the metallic out and still on the brush I wanted to finish up some detail work on the Pilums and Swords. This is a chance to cover up some of the overpaint of the skin areas. This is where things started looking less like blobs of color to me and more like a finished piece. I still have the tunics, leathers, and woods to do but I will get started on those tomorrow. I will say for getting back into painting and doing 15mm which isn’t always easy I’m quite pleased with my progress.

Getting some base colors down and starting detail work

This time I’m not pushing to finish for a set game night like I was for Flames of War back in the day. While I do miss that incentive I’m happy to set my own pace on this one. Until next post see you all then, have a great hobby weekend!

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