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Sepoys on the Sands of Egypt : An East India Company Unit for Silver Bayonet

Sepoys on the Sands of Egypt : An East India Company Unit for Silver Bayonet

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A religious man and a local.

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5

It’s time to make this unit more ‘Silver Bayonet’ and less ‘Historical but in a weird world’ by adding some of the more specialised soldiers.
I’ve got the wonderful civilian with a turban from the Quartermaster set, and I’ve decided to add ‘The Professor‘ from Northstar’s steampunk range simply because he is wearing a fez. Yes, it’s probably a bit early for fez’s to be popular but he does add some flavour. Unfortunately I didn’t get a picture of him before painting, I was too caught up with my muse.

Additional paintsAdditional paints

So, the new paints that I’ve used here t are some speedpaint (version 1) : Camo Cloak, Highlord Blue and Pallid Bone; Vallejo Sun Yellow and another survivor from the 1980s Citadel Imperial Purple.

Religious type. Religious type.

I’ll use this miniature as a Supernatural Investigator, or possibly a Champion of Faith. His turban is Pallid Bone, shirt and shoes are Highlord Blue, all one coat of speed paint. The jacket is Imperial Purple highlighted with a mix of that and a touch of white. Trousers are Sun Yellow again highlighted with a touch of white to the mix. Finally his belt is camo cloak.
Skin is the same mix as the sepoys below, with a grey moustache.

From the soukFrom the souk

A very quick and satisfying miniature to paint. Skin as per the other figures, grey hair again. Blood red speed paint for the fez, Snakebite leather for the shoes, white shirt,  Black templar for everything else. Oh… I  picked out the buttons with some leadbelcher.

I had decided that was going to be it, but running through the recruitment points in the books I’m short at least one soldier. So, it’s back to the unpainted box. The question is do I bulk out my unit with a few more infantrymen or go for one more expensive (special) soldier. Looking at playthroughs (honestly have a look at Gerry and Shay Che’s “Let’s play” for a good introduction to the game) most people seem to have 7 or 8 maximum per unit so maybe a specialist is the way to go.

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Cult of Games Member

Fabulous work on the figures @tinyheadbones congratulations on your gold button for the work.

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