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Kira's Club Terrain - A Spring Clean Challenge

Kira's Club Terrain - A Spring Clean Challenge

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The Prologue - The Pile Part 1

Tutoring 4
Skill 3
Idea 4
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4Ground WW2 155m (with special guest LCA Defence Line)

Starting off the pile of things needing some work is a whole pile of kits from 4Ground’s Europe at War and and something with the acronym TOA ranges (if anyone knows, comment below: I’m now curious).

I may have gone a little mad when 4Ground announced they were going out of business as I had always wanted to do something big in a small scale for the turn of the last century (Flames of War or Crossfire being the front runners). Since then they have languished as something that would be done eventually.
But now they have a possible second purpose…

Story time:
Channelling my inner Lloyd, my boys and I have started getting into model trains of late. We started with the typically British OO Scale but, in order to try and fit our toys on the dining table rather than building a extension to our house for them I recently decided to get my hands on the new TT Scale being championed by Hornby and Pico. This range is scaled at 1:120 which for those who know their scale is around what 15mm stuff is set around (1:100 – 1:120).
When I was getting all this stuff out to sort it out, my six year old had a rummage through this stuff and is now excited that one day we could have a little train running around next to a village of mid last century buildings.
Well, add the fact that there is a TT Scale LNER Eastener set in the loft that he doesn’t know about (this was a Christmas present and I only went a fell down the stair Christmas morning, breaking my ankle: we’ve been waiting till I’ve healed up to get it out) and now I have two reasons to get these buildings built and ready to play with.


On a related note, when I got these I added on some extra bits for the Laser Cut Architect’s Defence Line terrain. I actually won my original set here on OTT from a Weekender some time back and it a great kit.
I magnetised the roofs of the tower blocks so they could be popped off for taller models and they are a popular pick up at the club for that real military base feel without being the usual ruined Gothic building (or often, mixing the two).
The extra walls will just give the set that bit more coverage for larger games or for more variable layouts.

Dungeons & Lasers

Oh boy: Dungeons & Lasers.

I love this set, and I mean LOVE this stuff but Roleplay has taken something of a back seat in my life since The Event and consequently, so has my working on this.

This pile contains stuff from the first three or Archon’s D&L campaings in various states from clipped and cleaned through to just taken off the sprues to fit in the trays. The photos in order contain:

  1. Fantasy:
    The single biggest part of the collection as this has been the focus of much they have brought out. This is possible the least immediate part of the set as I’m not really finding to for RP at the moment but then again, am I not finding the time because I don’t have a pile of neat terrain to inspire myself into getting a game together?
  2. Sci-fi:
    A smaller set as this hasn’t really come back since the original campaign. There is one thing that might make this a bit more exciting: Sci-fi Skirmish games.
    Having laid this stuff out I am suddenly reminded of the likes of Necromunda and Kill Team’s Into the Dark rules. Both games that work well in internal spaces that these could be built to cover. I’ve never brought these to the club due to their incomplete nature but I reckon they could be a fun addition.
  3. Miniatures:
    Archon have done a wide variety of miniatures along with campaigns from Giants to Kobolds to Townsfolk to Phoenixes to Dragons. This is a big pile of them.
    Again, this is more RP that Wargame so may be more towards the end given my goal here but who knows, maybe they can come in as a palette cleanser at some point.
  4. Scatter:
    Scatter for both Terrain (the one with more) and Sci-fi (the one with less), Like the Miniatures, these have been scattered across the campaigns Archon has done. I don’t know if I’ll tackle these as there own things or try and do them with their respective terrain sets, I shall have to see.
  5. The Connectors:
    So, so many connectors. Last priority as they are hidden underneath anyway. I suspect if I do end up expanding my D&L terrain in the future, the connectors from those sets will just never be clipped as I doubt I’ll ever want to use every single piece at the same time and there is already so many here.

As suggested, I am unsure how much of a priority this lot will be up front as their use is less immediately beneficial to the club setting but maybe some of the Sci-fi stuff if people are feeling up to some rounds of claustrophobic space shoot outs.

And speaking of Archon…


The Prologue - The Pile Part 1

Where as Dungeons & Lasers is Archon’s small building inside and out more Roleplay targeted range, Rampart is their more traditional big pieces of line of sight blocking for Wargaming targeted range.

This is from their latest Kickstarter where I picked up four styles (the Ethereal Cathedral, the Temple of the Operators, the Kazumi Temple and the City Ruins). This is just a big old pile of modular walls, lifted floors, some stairs and gubbins to stick out of said walls.

This one has real potential for the club as line of site chunks of ruins is the typical type of terrain for the current set of Warhammer 40,000 (and being a gaming club this is off course our most played game being the biggest fish in our niche of a pond). I think some of this is likely to be prioritised sooner rather than later.

On to Part 2

And seeing as I am running out of content slots, this just became a two part post.

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