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Legion's Bobperialis

Legion's Bobperialis

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A Stomping We will Go Part Twa

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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After all that tiny painting, I decuded to go back to painting Big Stompy Robots and finish my pule of Shame.

Whilst doing the Infantry GW had released a set of very nice decals for my chosen Legio Atarus which I was able to put on my newly finished Titans, allowing me to pair up some of my Warhounds with Similar Schemes.

A Stomping We will Go Part Twa
A Stomping We will Go Part Twa
A Stomping We will Go Part Twa
A Stomping We will Go Part Twa

In addition I Have Finished two more Reivers.

A Stomping We will Go Part Twa
A Stomping We will Go Part Twa

And finally but not Least, My final Warlord…. you may notice that the red is coming more and more predominant , that’s was because it was easier to workwith tha the chrome… plus I decided more veteran titans get more panel’s as its easier to cover up the Battle Damage.

With this I have now finished all the models in pile of shame, and have only two boxes of Knights recently purchased to make up their numbers.

A Stomping We will Go Part Twa
A Stomping We will Go Part Twa
A Stomping We will Go Part Twa

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