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Salute 2024 dungeon/arena

Salute 2024 dungeon/arena

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Teams 5 to 8 done

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Been sitting on these STL files from the Been sitting on these STL files from the "raygun raptor" range for some time so decided to include a team.
Couldn't have a Space hulk style Dungeon without some bugs curtesy of Couldn't have a Space hulk style Dungeon without some bugs curtesy of "One Page Rules"
Another staple of modern or sci-fi Dungeons is Zombies so let me present Patient zero and her horde.Another staple of modern or sci-fi Dungeons is Zombies so let me present Patient zero and her horde.
As you probably worked out from the presence of a As you probably worked out from the presence of a "Cylon" team I am a fan of Battlestar Galactica including the original. As a result the original Adama and his crew had to make an appearance.

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