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In a galaxy even further away... back to Star Wars miniature gaming

In a galaxy even further away... back to Star Wars miniature gaming

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Regarding Baylan Skoll...

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 4

…what can I say – we’re running into a bit of a problem here. Since Gerry – the sole person I’m running this project for – has made it pretty clear in a past Unofficial Hobby Hangout that he basically is only here for Baylan Skoll and seemingly has no interest in all the other great characters and character designs, I fear of loosing all his interest once I reveal my painted Baylan Skoll, who I started painting a few days ago and who is almost finished.

So, until this matter is resolved in a manner which is acceptable for all parties, I will withhold Baylan Skoll for the time being. I’m open for negotiations or bribes. In the meantime, I’ve converted a 3D-print of Morgan Elsbeth by changing her pose and giving her the blade of Talzin, which I custom-built/sculpted myself. I’ve also painted up 6 more Night Troopers for a total of 12…


Regarding Baylan Skoll...

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Squirrel Lordfourtytwohorati0nosebl0wer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Lol.. keep Gerry edging until the release of Skoll glory. How long will you keep the man holding on?



I shall stay though

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