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Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

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Getting back to the Eastern Front.

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Getting back to the Eastern Front.

A couple of changes to this project. I am first of all not going to try to post everyday, like I did before. It is just not going to work with my health to do something everyday and there is a limit to how many WWII memes I can post. Secondly I am changing the game I am focussing on to Battlegroup. From what I have seen this is a better game than Flames of War. These armies will still be viable for Flames of War and I am still going to get the stuff to play Flames of War, but it is not my main focus. That means that until I get the rulebooks I am not entirely sure what I am doing with my armylists. That does not mean I can’t do anything, I can still get a lot build and painted following historical references I have and there is the pink panther as well. A new paint recipe for both armies will follow once I have that figured out. And then it is the basing. Battlegroup does work with individual miniatures so what I am going to do is turn the Flames of War bases into movement trays. Still valid for Flames of War, but also good for Battlegroup and maybe even 15mm Bolt Action which I have heard is also good.

To start off I have not very precisely marked the centre of each base slot for drilling.

Getting back to the Eastern Front.

I then drilled a 3mm hole in them.

Getting back to the Eastern Front.

Put 3x1mm magnets inside.

Getting back to the Eastern Front.

And put a bit of thin superglue at the bottom to help hold the magnets in place.

Getting back to the Eastern Front.

I then drilled a 2mm hole in the bottom of a handfull of models and just waiting until I can get some 2x1mm magnets to fit into them.

Getting back to the Eastern Front.

This will obviously work for my plans of magnetic carrying solutions for miniatures, I am just not sure yet how I am going to do that with vehicles. I am thinking of not basing the vehicles so I need to think of a solution. If you know one, let me know.

And that is how my Eastern Front project is going to develop from now on.

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Cult of Games Member

great to see you back at it, interested to see what you do 🙂

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