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Elmir paints BattleTech

Elmir paints BattleTech

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The Nortwind Highlanders Command lance box is finished! They were a marked improvement over older model kits in terms of plastic quality.

Tutoring 5
Skill 9
Idea 8
1 Comment
The Nortwind Highlanders Command lance box is finished! They were a marked improvement over older model kits in terms of plastic quality.
The Nortwind Highlanders Command lance box is finished! They were a marked improvement over older model kits in terms of plastic quality.
The Nortwind Highlanders Command lance box is finished! They were a marked improvement over older model kits in terms of plastic quality.
The Nortwind Highlanders Command lance box is finished! They were a marked improvement over older model kits in terms of plastic quality.
The Nortwind Highlanders Command lance box is finished! They were a marked improvement over older model kits in terms of plastic quality.
The Nortwind Highlanders Command lance box is finished! They were a marked improvement over older model kits in terms of plastic quality.
The Nortwind Highlanders Command lance box is finished! They were a marked improvement over older model kits in terms of plastic quality.
The Nortwind Highlanders Command lance box is finished! They were a marked improvement over older model kits in terms of plastic quality.

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Cult of Games Member

Great fire effect in the jump jet plume

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