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Sepoys on the Sands of Egypt : An East India Company Unit for Silver Bayonet

Sepoys on the Sands of Egypt : An East India Company Unit for Silver Bayonet

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Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7

Sorry for the blurred photos. I’ve added links to the relevant pages on the Empress Miniatures website so you can see them in all their bare metal glory if you want to.

Mutineer CommandMutineer Command

The Mutineer Command pack is full of potential soldier types. The two mini’s with swords are clearly officers or junior officers. The soldier holding the musket and pointing would work as an infantryman or perhaps a grenadier. I’m not sure if there any rules for bugles in Silver Bayonet, so perhaps that figure is the least useful? He could be an officer of course.

Quatermaster GroupQuatermaster Group

There’s more character models in the Quatermaster Group. In my head the guy sitting down is clearly a religious or academic type; perhaps a Supernatural Investigator or Champion of Faith. The chap with a pistol tucked into his belt is screaming ‘Doctor’ at me. The chap casually holding a musket and with a sword could come in useful for a Sapper. That leaves the miniature without weapons or a top – I’ll have to think about him.

Sepoys in Tunics FiringSepoys in Tunics Firing

All of the figures in this pack (Sepoys in Tunics Firing) are useful as infantrymen or Grenadiers. All individual in interesting poses, they’ll make a fine core to any unit. I’ll say one thing though : I’d be amazed if those bayonets last very long knowing what I do about my ability to drop miniatures on the floor (usually the minute I’ve finished painting them).

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Cult of Games Member

TSB is probably my favourite game setting of all time, so I will be following this project closely. The initial background write up was also very good.

Cult of Games Member

I wouldn’t let the lack of rules for bugles hold you back. TSB is a Joe McCullough designed game and he always encourages people to make up their own rules as needed. You could either devise a bespoke mechanic for the bugle (a morale re-roll perhaps) or adopt an existing ability in the rules and craft some background lore to explain why it is generated by the bugle. This might inspire you to devise some entirely new mechanics to reflect the distinctive origins of your Sepoy force.

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