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Legion's Bobperialis

Legion's Bobperialis

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AAAAAGhe! its the Infanrty

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Well there has been a bit of a pause since last update, not because I have not been busy but……..bloody small Infantry. As with my earlier ACW epic project this got a bit tedious when doing the Marine Infantry , particularly as I was working with various themes of black … Not helped by the fact I had 2x starter boxes !

Now I even tried to break up monotony by doing them in groups , on the sprues for ease, clipping and basing each group as I went along .

1st I did the Misslie Marines, which I did in GW Basilicum grey , and lack washed post wpns being picked out, Felt this left them too gray , though some of the colour plates of Crusade era Raven Gaurd show them as more Grey than Black .


AAAAAGhe! its the Infanrty

I then went for the Terminators, and actually had fun with these as found a reference to the Deliverers a Raven Guard unit made of old Earth vets,and had red armour so Broke these up with 2x bases in Red and 2x in Black

The Deliverers were dond in GW Gryp hound Orange

The others this time I went for Black Templar and found it a bit dark so had to dry brush!!!!!


AAAAAGhe! its the Infanrty
AAAAAGhe! its the Infanrty

I then tried mixing 50/50 for the Assault Marines, hurrah got it, dark enough with a resonable amount of shading .

These were done as were the Plasma Marines

AAAAAGhe! its the Infanrty
AAAAAGhe! its the Infanrty

Leaving the command figures, I then did the tactical Marines,a sprue at a time ,ka s I found I was going cross eyed if tried any more!

This though allowed me to do a spue of Veterens to break it up and, allowed for vet bases worth.

The command were then done, with me doing a little bit of variation for the Apothocaries, varying how much white was on them.

The standards had a few spare Raven guard decals put on them .

AAAAAGhe! its the Infanrty
AAAAAGhe! its the Infanrty

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